Wednesday 12 November 2008

The Pool of Life

Peter Halligan's talk was this evening at Meme. During the day, Chris Bernard, Larry Sidurczuk and I had hung the exhibition there, with help from Tall Paul Robinson, Rosie Wilkinson and Des O'Leary. It's a wide ranging showing, with sections on The Liverpool School of Language, Music, Dream and Pun, Ken's life at the Everyman, and Illuminatus.

It was a perfect backdrop to Peter's talk, and he was able to refer to photographs from it as he spoke. He talked mostly about his investigations into synchronicity and the works of Jung, starting with a reading of Jung's dream about Liverpool. He talked - with the odd prompt from Sean Halligan - about scarab beetles, the Liverpool school, the Mandala, the Beatles, Mathew Street, his travels, alchemists and the window into eternity, among much else. Afterwards, I convened a talk between Jane Casey, Chris and Larry. They spoke about the differences and similarities between the School in the 70s and TAO now, and talked about culture in Liverpool in the intervening period. They then reminisced about the School years, which was entertaining and moving.

I know that Peter hasn't spoken in public for many years, and I was honoured that he agreed to do the talk tonight. Thanks Peter.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for organising last night. It was good to hear a little more about the semi-mythical School of Language, Music, Dream and Pun. Some photos on here